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Fresh Start Retreat

Sample Retreat Schedule

We ask guests to arrive between 8.30 and 9.30 am on the first day of retreat. Get ready to let go of stress and embrace profound tranquility as we guide you through this unforgettable retreat experience.


During the mornings, we have an array of scheduled activities to delight your senses and enrich your soul. But don't worry, we know the importance of 'Bliss Time'. The afternoons are all about you, offering a delightful selection of optional activities, ample rest time, and the chance to indulge in spa & retreat facilities. The choices are yours to make.


You will receive a detailed retreat timetable upon your arrival. Along with your spa treatment schedule.

Our journey together concludes after lunch on the last day, usually between 2.00 pm and 5.00 pm. However, we understand that life's demands may require you to leave a bit earlier, and we'll accommodate your needs with utmost care. Get ready to let go of all your worries and embrace your time out during your stay with us. Welcome to your well-deserved retreat!



Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

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